CoolingCare – Efficient cleaning of polluted cooling circuits
Automatic device for cleaning, diagnostics and maintenance of mold cooling channels
Automatic work – operators are only required to connect the mold and define the channels to be cleaned
A unique design allowing for independent and efficient cleaning of channels regardless of their length and diameter
Advanced archiving system supporting the correct mold maintenance throughout the whole mold operation time
High pulsation dynamics of cleaning allows for use of less aggressive cleaning media, safe for steel, aluminum, copper and bronze
Intelligent monitoring of the cleaning process – the device recognizes when the desired flow rate values are reached and finishes cleaning before the appointed time
A dedicated cleaning mode for clogged cooling lines
Inbuilt detection of flow rate anomalies
The diagnostics function enabling the user to define and store the model of flow parameters for a given channel – such data can serve as a reference point for the subsequent cleaning
Different cleaning programs, combined with full data archiving capability assigned to a particular mold, allow to keep track of proceeding system changes